When you book a session with Denver family photographers, you can make memories with your family. But in my experience, it’s a little too easy to lose track of what’s important—and then, you’ll find your photos are not exactly what you had envisioned.
If you’ve followed my blog for a long time, you know that I’m passionate about capturing “lived-in” photos, where we get to see your authentic relationship with your loved ones. Here are a few tips for creating those special photographs you’ll cherish.

Think Big Picture
A Denver family photographers first advice? Don’t sweat the small stuff. All parents want their family photos to be “Instagrammable”, but I would say you don’t need to waste mental energy on worrying.
If outfits get a little rumpled in the car, it’s no big deal. And it’s no worries if a kid has a little dirt on their face! It’s all part of the authentic experience we want to capture in your photos. When you arrive for your session, breathe and prepare to have fun with your family.

Give Kids Space to Be Themselves
Second, embrace kids being kids. They’ll probably fight with sticks they found, laugh about mischief, or try to jump off things they probably shouldn’t, and it’s all okay! All of us have been there.
Let your kids be themselves and try to direct their energy rather than stifle it. If you and your partner can do that, you’ll be much happier with the results—and you’ll see it in your children’s unique portraits.

Step Back and Enjoy
And most of all, step back and enjoy! Your session with a Denver family photographer is a special time to set aside everything and be present with this family you love. Try to make every expression so full of love and I promise you’ll be in love with every photo!

If you’re ready to plan your next unique family portrait session with a Denver Family Photographer, get in touch here! I’d love to work with you and get to know your beautiful family!