Every family needs someone like this, and yours is no exception! However, even if you love to take photos and are in the habit of capturing life as it flies by, that probably means you aren’t actually IN a lot of the photos. That’s where I’d love to help out. If you are seeking vibrant, playful, down to earth, romantic images that show off the love you have for those you are close to, then give me a shout!

My pop-pop was a ray of sunshine, and that was a constant, I don’t think I ever saw him in a bad mood. The other constant about him? He was always documenting my brother and I, my parents, his wife (my mom-mom), and even the squirrels and birds that would dart along the railing of his back deck. He was never without a camera, and he became our historian by way of his beautiful candid imagery.

I'm thrilled you found your way here!

Whether you were referred by a friend, waded through a sea of other photographers, or simply Googled or Instagramed your way here, I am grateful you are considering allowing me to document the most important people and moments in your life.

Let me tell you about someone who was oh-so-important to me...

i'm erin

hey there

I adore exploring new places and meeting you wherever you are. I grew up in one spot, in a house where my family still lives, and hadn’t stepped foot on a plane until I was 21. My hunger for exploration and new experiences is satiated through looking through my lens at all the beautiful families and couples I am fortunate enough to travel to capture. My bags are packed, where are we going!?

traveling gives
me life

I love the city (and the beach) but city dweller that I am, you might say we live on a small farm. With a dozen animals sharing our home, we have a hard time saying no to anything furry, feathered (or even scaly!) Just no bugs please! Needless to say, if you want to bring your animal pal along for your session, I am definitely on board. Just don't plan your session at an animal shelter, or I might end up with more pets! 

I'm an animal lover through and through

BUT- I don't drink coffee!! I am specifically addicted to their iced tea lemonades, and more specifically, a Green Tea Lemonade with a few pumps of Raspberry Syrup. I am not one for much caffeine, but a Venti one of those is my go-to on any day! We all have our vices, right?

I have a small (ok big) addiction to starbucks

One of my very first steps into the world of photography was photographing for Gibson Guitars, and the perk of the job was that (music lover that I am) I got to meet and photograph lots of musicians and famous rockstars! I loved getting to go to so many killer shows and going backstage to see a little of the tour life! I have to say...I do miss that gig from time to time! 

once upon a time, I photographed rockstars

If you read my first fact, you know I didn't get on a plane until I was 21. Well, that first flight took me straight to Paris, and I fell in love. The city, the culture, the food, the lifestyle. All of it! And (I won't say how many years) later, I am still seeking that je ne sais quoi, I send my two boys to French Immersion language school so they become bilingual, and I take any chance I can get to travel to France! Session in Paris, Nice, the Loire Valley? Oui Oui!

I love all things french. J'adore paris


Let's Get Personal

a little about moi

fun facts

give me a shout

I've been doing this photo thing for over 15 years now. I've been in the business long enough to know that the only opinions that matter to me are yours- my clients. Denver Family Photography + Colorado Elopement Photography isn't a glory game to me, it's a personal affair, and if those that I photograph are happy, then I am happy. I take images for 2 reasons, and 2 reasons only. To make YOU happy, and to make ME happy. To put something beautiful and meaningful out into the world that I am proud of- that tells the story of someone's journey in life. If I have done that for you or someone you know, I'm set. 

Photography isn't a glory game to me, it's a personal affair, and if those that I photograph are happy, then I am happy.

my philosophy