When is the best time to take maternity photos? This is a question many Denver Family Photographers are asked pretty frequently by expectant mothers. There are a few things to consider prior to scheduling your extra special maternity photography session, so let’s dive right in for some answers!

For the first time mom…
The perfect time for maternity photos is somewhere between 26 and 34 weeks (7 or 8 months). You want your bump to be fully showing, nice and round, but you don’t want to be so close to your due date that you are uncomfortable, or risk delivering before you make it to your sesson!
If it’s your second (or third…or fourth!) pregnancy…
You may begin to show earlier than your first. Therefore, you might consider scheduling your maternity photos a smidge sooner, too.

If you’re a twins’ momma…
Take it from me and my own experience on this one! If you’re growing two babies in that beautiful body, you’ll be showing earlier, and more than likely delivering earlier, too. At 6 months pregnant, I looked like I was 9 months, and was on bed rest by 29 weeks! The best time for photos with twins is between 24 and 28 weeks. If you are having triplets, bump this timeline up even further!

Denver Family Photographers Answers: Is there such a thing as too late?
Hey- if a maternity session hasn’t made the top of your ‘getting ready for baby’ to do list, that’s totally fine. Even if you are just getting around to maternity photos and you are later in your third trimester – if you’re feeling good, feeling mobile, and up for photos, then by all means I will be ready with my camera!
The risks to scheduling later are that you may feel tired and uncomfortable during your session and that’s no fun. Also, we’d hate to run into an early delivery situation before we’ve had a chance to photograph this stage of your journey, even as excited as everyone is to meet your new little one!

Denver Family Photographers Answers: Is there such a thing as too early?
The only downside of scheduling too early is simply that your baby bump won’t be as defined for that “full maternity” look. However, if there is a reason you definitely need to schedule earlier than 24 or 25 weeks, there are some posing tricks to help make that bump pop!

When you’re ready to capture that pregnancy glow with Denver Family Photographers
I’m ready and here for it! Let’s chat about your due date and your vision for the session so we can get the details all set! Learn more about maternity sessions, then when you are ready reach out directly with any questions or view my availability and schedule your session today with Denver Family Photographers.