A Guide to Embracing a Child-Centric and Discipline-Free Session by Colorado Family Photographer


We all love looking back at family photos over the years and reminiscing. However, sometimes, taking those family photos isn’t as fun or easy. As a Colorado family photographer, I understand how daunting family photos can be, especially for younger kids. While they’re growing so quickly, capturing each stage is crucial! Remembering the chubby fingers, rosy cheeks, gap-toothed grins, and pouty lips that will soon fade away. Throughout my years of experience as a photographer, I’ve developed an appreciation for lifestyle photos that capture the real moments of your family. While posed and traditional photos definitely have their place, your children’s special personalities and silly quirks are real special moments. During a session with me, I aim for everyone to enjoy themselves, and to do this, I always encourage a discipline-free session (unless safety is involved) that is very child-centric!

Denver Family Photographers capture father playing with children during child centric session

Your Kids Look Best in Photos As They Are

One of my favorite parts of working with families is seeing kiddos be themselves, showcasing their authentic personalities. I can almost guarantee that your favorite photos won’t be the ones where they’re being told to say ‘cheese’ or to behave under threat of punishment. Instead the gems are found in the moments where they are free to enjoy themselves and create genuine memories within the session. Playing a game, scavenging for pinecones, flying like an airplane in dads arms are things that don’t feel stiff or like work to a kid, and keep the session moving and lighthearted. And if something isn’t feeling good, we simply move on to the next thing! While these photos are for you, they’re also for them. These photos capture their childhood so let’s focus on allowing them to be kids.

Don’t Expect Perfect Behavior

Just like you and I, kids aren’t perfect. They’ll goof around and be silly because that’s what kids do! They’re in a new and exciting environment with a new person (me). However frustrating this may feel, the silly and unexpected moments warrant the best images. As a Colorado family photographer, I encourage clients to allow sessions to be a discipline-free zone. While it may seem like a big ask, it’s only one hour. Even if your kid is a little naughty, one hour is okay because it may result in your favorite photo! (Unless safety is at risk, of course.) Before coming to your session, talk to your partner about creating realistic expectations for this experience. Having an open conversation beforehand will prepare you both for what’s to come, and I promise refraining from saying no, or offering a bribe during this session won’t ruin all your other hard parenting work. 🙂

Denver family photographers capture sister kissing brothers cheek

Colorado Family Photographer Tips – Meet Your Kids Where They Are

Another thing I ask parents to do at these sessions is to meet kids where they are, both in that moment and at a particular stage of life. Our kids are growing and developing so quickly that sometimes, even a simple photo session can ask a lot of them. The world is filled with exciting new things that can be incredibly overstimulating. Not every day is good, and sometimes kids are shy or nervous! The camera is is a foreign object, and I’m a new person!! Although we always want beautiful, boisterous, and happy photos, sometimes they aren’t in the cards for our first session together. Similarly, a session with a one or two-year-old isn’t an easy win, as toddlers have their own agenda. We let the children dictate the session, which sometimes means we get softer ‘cling to mama’ photos. Maybe they’re peeking through Daddy’s legs or even covering their eyes. It’s ok! Often, by the following year, they pull me around, showing me all the cool spots they want me to see!!

Plan a Fun Activity During Your Family Session with Your Colorado Family Photographer

Another great way to let your kiddos lead the session is to plan a fun activity as part of the session itself! We can plan something the kids and the whole family will enjoy, which always allows for great photos. Whether we are out in a park or doing an in-home session, there are plenty of fun opportunities. How about a friendly game of tag, blowing bubbles, a backyard water balloon or popcorn fight, having a picnic in the park, or painting a giant canvas together as a family, just to name a few ideas? If you’re planning your upcoming session and looking for more ideas, I encourage you to think of something your kiddos will enjoy. Make it personal and unique to their interests! Even if that’s visiting the local ice cream shop, I’m down!

Denver Family Photographers capture mother and father kissing while children smile

Plan for a Special Treat or Activity After the Session

Lastly, I’m not above bribery, especially with a treat or family fun! Encourage your children to enjoy themselves during the session by planning something fun afterward. Perhaps it’s a movie night at home or a trip to grab some ice cream together. Your kiddos will be so excited about the fun adventure, and you’ll get to make more fun memories together. It’s a win-win!

While family photos can be difficult, I know that letting the children lead and allowing the session to be discipline-free is more enjoyable for everyone involved. Keep the kiddos safe and happy, and as your Colorado family photographer, I’ll take care of the rest.

Denver family photographers capture children on blanket playing

Looking for more family photo inspiration? Head to my blog or Pinterest account for more.

Already dreaming of a family session with me as your Colorado family photographer? Let’s chat!