Dr. Suess once said, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” It’s startling how fast time can pass when looking back, yet we often take moments for granted while they happen. This is why it’s such a unique privilege for me to be a Colorado family photographer. As a photographer, I always advocate for taking photos often, while on vacation, at milestone moments throughout the year, and, of course, even capturing those everyday life happenings! However, once you have all those photos, you may wonder what to do with them. Throughout this post, I’ll share my favorite ways to turn your beautiful photos into gifts for your family, while you still have plenty of time before the holidays to make it happen!

Personalized Photo Books Make for Great Gifts for Family
Photo books are always a sentimental and classic way to turn those precious memories into a keepsake to look back on for years to come. Grandparents love photo books; they’re easy to whip out and show off those cute grandkids! A photo book is a simple way to memorialize a specific event or period, celebrate an anniversary, recap the year, or even a summer vacation! I always suggest picking an overall theme or period for your book before starting; this will help narrow down the necessary image selections. Once you’ve done that, drive down memory lane and grab your favorite images. I can always help recommend printing services or assist in the design process!
Remember, the more personal, the better; consider adding dates, captions, or even children’s artwork along the way. These photo books are meant to freeze time and celebrate life’s most precious memories.

Custom Framed Photos
Does your family have gallery walls throughout their home? Or maybe they just moved into a new space and need something to liven up the room. Consider custom-framed photos as gifts for family. It’s a simple way to keep them all updated with the latest pictures, and they can be updated every year! Custom-framed photos are a great way to showcase your latest family photos or a single impactful photo. When gifting to family members, I always love attaching a hand-written note. It’s a simple yet powerful way to share how much you appreciate them while sharing a piece of your family with them.

Photo Calendars Are Great Gifts for Family
One of my favorite ways to share multiple photos of our family is a photo calendar! This is a classic way to keep the family excited to flip the page at the start of a new month every year. I also love putting important family dates throughout the calendar to keep everyone connected throughout the year. Whether it’s birthdays, holidays, anniversaries or silly memories throughout – it’s a personalized and custom calendar tailored to what makes your family unique. You can add photos representing each month or season, making it a fun experience!

Photo Gifts for Tech Lovers
Lastly, and one of the more popular, are technology-based gifts, from custom phone cases and puzzles to digital photo frames that can be added remotely worldwide. We live in an incredible time where we are overrun with technology. It’s time to use it to our advantage! Set up family members with photo frames that run through a slideshow of images. With most of these frames, you can ‘invite’ people to share their photos. It’s a simple way to have the whole family add pictures throughout the year!
While it’s still early to plan gifts for family, I hope this helps you get started on the right foot! It’s still early enough to plan some family photos to make your gifts more special. If you’re ready to get your family scheduled for some family pictures in Colorado, reach out!