Photo Session Tips for Busy Families

Tips and Tricks

Busy families can have beautiful photos, too! Parents are always coming to me with all sorts of concerns when it comes to scheduling a family session – and when you have young ones, full time jobs, and schedules jam-packed with all sorts of activities, it can certainly feel like a lot to take on!

But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here I’m sharing some tips that will help relieve all your worries, so you can truly enjoy the next photo session with your family —

Make use of the Client Closet.

Please don’t worry about picking out a dress for yourself, especially if you feel like you don’t have time to shop for the perfect outfit. I have tons of photo perfect dresses right in my client closet, already steamed and ironed. So, whether you wanted to schedule an appointment in advance to try a few, or you just want to change into one right before your session, it eliminates so much stress. Knowing you’ll look great and knowing where to start when planning the rest of the family’s outfits is one less thing to worry about!

Be open to accepting advice when choosing a location.

I don’t expect you to scout the perfect spot for your photos. If you already have a spot in mind, that’s great! If not, I have lots of spots to suggest and have already done the legwork for you. Plus, I just happen to know what looks beautiful in photos! Just tell me whether you want nature or urban, mountains or meadow, and we’ll be off to a gorgeous backdrop in no time!

Relax and have fun!

Some families worry that a family member won’t be into it, their kids might misbehave or cry… I’m here to tell you – it’s absolutely okay! I have done this a time or two and I have lots of easy and fun ways for us to just go out and have fun together. The best photos come from relaxed families who are ready to just hang out and go with the flow, so even if photos aren’t dad’s favorite thing, as long as he’s willing to show his kids some love or play a game with them, that’s all I need!

And if your kids aren’t totally happy the whole time, that’s ok too. First of all, you’d be surprised how quick I can catch a smile, and secondly, smiling photos aren’t the only kind of good photo! Sometimes, those quieter moments make for the most beautiful photos. Mom hugging and consoling a teary-eyed child or dad taking a quiet hand in hand walk with his daughter make for some of the sweetest images.

Use my easy booking system to schedule your session.

You don’t have time for a long, complicated booking process? Hey – neither do I! I want everything to be as streamlined as possible, for everyone’s benefit. I have an easy online booking system where you can see everything that’s available on my calendar for the next several months, so there’s no going back and forth over email trying to line up schedules. However, I AM available via email or phone if you have a question or need personal help with anything. When you book your session, I’ll provide lots of help with everything I mentioned above- what to wear, where to shoot, and how to prepare in general.

Take a deep breath and let’s make some memories!

Listen, everyone is so busy these days. It’s just the way life is, right? I am here to make sure that amongst the chaos, you take a few moments out with your family to savor some memories. Years from now, when life does slow down, if you look back and realize you didn’t set aside these few minutes, you’ll wish you did. I promise.

If you’re a busy family, ready to have some fun…

I hope you find these tips and tricks useful. And when you’re ready to venture out for a fabulous photo session, I would love to help capture some extra special moments with you! If you’d like to start the process, I’d love for you to get in touch with me, just to say hi and ask any questions you might have. From there, I will direct you to my schedule to view my availability and lock in your session date and time. Can’t wait to hear from you!